Our cavies
Name: Aggi Borská Morčina
Birth date: 25.06.2024
Gender: female
Breed: self
Color: chocolate
Eye color: dark with ruby
Name: Peter Pan 2 z Březových Hor
Birth date: 31.05.2024
Gender: male
Breed: minipli
Color: gold (d. e.) - white
Eye color: dark
Name: Pannacotta z Březových Hor
Birth date: 31.05.2024
Gender: female
Breed: minipli
Color: white with chocolate and with chocolate
Eye color: dark
Name: Ivánek von Egerland
Birth date: 05.12.2023
Gender: male
Breed: alpaca MG
Color: black - red - white
Eye color: dark
Name: Charlotte von Egerland
Birth date: 21.11.2023
Gender: female
Breed: alpaca
Registration number: 0579/24
Color: red - white
Eye color: dark