

Z 3


Number of babies born: 2

Number of bred babies: 2

Doba uběhlá od porodu: 2 years and 7 months

Date of join: 15.12.2021

Length of mating: 2 months and 4 days

Phoebe Bonanza
Birthdate: 25.09.2020
Breed: sheltie
Coloring: white - cream
Eye color: dark
Kevin Bellis
Birthdate: 11.07.2018
Breed: sheltie
Coloring: white
Eye color: blue

The babies:

Zayn Bonanza
Zayn Bonanza
sheltie, cream - white
successfully bred
Zita Bonanza
Zita Bonanza
sheltie, cream (p. e.) / lemon - white
successfully bred